Valbury Stable Growth Fund

Valbury Stable Growth Fund

Intended for investors who want to optimize the growth rate of relatively stable investment value.

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Daily NAV
Fund Fact Sheet Fund Fact Sheet
Fund Fact Sheet
prospectus prospectus

Investment Performance

Simulations are based on past performance and do not guarantee future performance.

Start Date
End Date

Purpose of Investment

Earn stable returns and receive income from interest (coupons) and appreciation of the principal value by investing in Debt.

Instrument of Investment

80% - 100% Fixed Income

  0% -   20% Money Market Instruments

Risk Classification

Investing in Debt Securities. Investors have MODERATE risk in investing in this type of Fixed Income Mutual Fund.

Investment Risk

  1. Risk of changing political and economic conditions.
  2. Currency exchange rate risk.
  3. Liquidity risk.
  4. The risk of decreasing the value of the participation unit received by the prospective unit holder.
  5. Dissolution and liquidity risk.
  6. Risks of regulatory changes and taxation.

Product Category
Product Category

Fixed Income



Effective Date
Effective Date

August 23, 2022

Launch Date
Launch Date

February 3, 2023

Investment Manager
Investment Manager

PT KB Valbury Asset Management

Custodian Bank
Custodian Bank

Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk.

Minimum Invesment
Minimum Invesment

Rp. 1,000,000.- (One Million Rupiah)

Subscription Fee
Subscription Fee

Max. 0,50%

Redemption Fee
Redemption Fee

Max. 0,50%

Switching Fee
Switching Fee

Max. 0,50%

Management Fee
Management Fee

Max. 2.00% p.a.

Custodian Fee
Custodian Fee

Max. 0.075% p.a.

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